Growing as an Artist
I started La Photography in 2010 and officially became a business 2 years ago! I can't believe it's been that long! I never thought I would love it so much! Looking back on where I was and how far I've come, I'm amazed! The progress wasn't that visible from day to day but its definitely evident looking back at my first sessions to now! This is kind of embarrassing for me but I hope it shows you that if you want something bad enough and if you enjoy something enough, you will grow and learn and improve. Every session I have is my new favorite. Every client I photograph teaches me something about myself as an artist! Every photographer has their "first" session. I'm thankful for these people that trusted me with their memories. It was the best I had at that point. Even though most of the before images are not that great (to put it nicely), they were taken with love and I still cherish every single client. (Even if I can't bare to look at their sessions :P). I hope yall need a good laugh today! Happy Monday!
First ever Newborn session: Coty, April 12, 2011.
Hardest session EVER! Newborn's are NOT cooperative! 8 hours, sweat, and exhaustion is what I got from this session...and maybe some tears LOL

Most recent Newborn: Kherington, November 4, 2013
Needless to say, I have gotten a lot better at handling stubborn newborns. You know what they say about riding the waves, instead of fighting the current...Yea same for babies ;) . They run this.
First Senior Session: Brittany November 25, 2011.
Technically Brittany wasn't a senior when I took these photos, She's my cousin and she was nice enough to let me take some pictures of her for practice...boy did I need practice LOL. Yes her shirt is color selected...WOW what was I thinking! Thanks baby girl for being a great model and putting up with me when I had no idea what I was doing!
Recent Senior Session: Tansy, September 8, 2013.
Tansy is a 2013 Senior Rep. I LOVE everything about her and her senior portraits. I've learned how to select clothing to enhance a photograph (without color selecting THANK GOD!). It's hard to make Tansy look bad in any situation but I think my photography has improved DRASTICALLY! Learning to pose models is my biggest improvement in my opinion.
First wedding: Patrick and Misty, October 2011.
Although I love the composition of most of my photographs from this wedding, the technical aspect of the camera was NOT something I was good at. Poor lighting left me clueless what to do! Being "afraid" to miss the shot was a big problem I had back then.
Most recent wedding: Ashton and Blake, June 1, 2013.
All around, weddings are much easier than they used to be for me! I have confidence in myself and capturing "the" shot. Like this one! One of my favorite photographs I've EVER taken!
First Maternity Session: Emily, August 6, 2011.
Emily is a GORGEOUS woman! And I am so thankful to her for letting me photograph her maternity session. AND her newborn session! That being said, I look at this photo and all I can do is shake my head. Prime example why you NEED to know how to pose a woman's body! And I'm also not sure what I was doing post camera....Photoshop has since become my friend. LOL
Most Recent Maternity Session: Taylor, August 25, 2013.
Taylor has let me photograph her bridal portraits, family portraits, and that sweet baby Kherington, in the photo above. She has no idea how much she has taught me as a photographer! Looking at this image and the yummy light coming through the trees, I can say, I have learned how to make lighting my friend! My editing has gotten very "Real" I think! Which is a GOOD THING! You know how they say less is more....well its true.
First Family Session: The Shaws, April 4, 2011.
Not much I can say about this one....It is sad. I don't know why I thought I should put mom in the middle behind the oldest son. And youngster in front wasn't even looking. I couldn't even keep his attention! Knowing how to engage your clients is a HUGE bonus. One you can't learn from studying. You can only learn that from experience. Thankfully the Shaw's gave me another chance!
Most Recent Family Session: The Shaws, October 19, 2013.
They didn't have much of a choice...they are family after all. But I think I did a good job with my second chance! There's that yummy light! AND I have figured out how to interact with my clients! Trust me!! They were not as cooperative as they look in these photos. I'm just sneaky!
Long story short...there is ALWAYS room for improvement. I hope that in a couple years (or months!) I'll look back on these and think WOW have I improved or what! That's what being a true artist is about. I'm thankful to every one of these clients, for them believing I was good enough to be the one that captured the special memories that they will cherish for years to come. To all my past clients, you inspire, teach me, help me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person.
Thank you!
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