Wedding Wednesday: David and Aisha
Aisha and David's wedding was my last wedding of 2014 and it was an amazing way to end an amazing year for La Photography! I've said it before and I'll say it again! I am the luckiest photographer to have such amazing brides! Aisha and I met at Engaged Bridal Show, which if you're getting married and not sure where to start the Engaged Library located in Homewood is a great resource! Here's the link to their website! A few months later, I met with David and Aisha for their engagement session! You can check it out here. It was so much fun, everything was so laid back and the images came out great! I couldn't wait until their wedding day and I wasn't disappointed! Everything about Aisha and David's day went perfectly! Their wedding was December 27th at Avondale Methodist Church and the reception was downtown at the Wine Loft. It was so laid back and filled with so much love! These two people are so blessed to have a circle of family and friends like they do. I am so happy for them and I wish them all the greatest happiness and love in life. Good luck you two!

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